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How much is bitmart (BMX) in INR?

The conversion rate of BitMart (BMX) to INR is ₹11.94 for every 1 BMX. This means you can exchange 5 BMX for ₹59.69 or ₹50.00 for 4.19 BMX, excluding fees. Refer to our conversion tables for popular BMX trading amounts in their corresponding INR prices and vice versa.

What is the market cap of bitmart (BMX)?

Market capitalization of BitMart (BMX) is $17,096,207 and is ranked #811 on CoinGecko today. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of BMX tokens (180 Million tokens are tradable on the market today). How does the price performance of BitMart compare against its peers?

What is the supply of bitcoin in INR?

Bitcoin are under circulation, with total supply of 19.56M and the Maximum supply of 21M. Live Bitcoin price in INR. BTC price is Down by -1.90% today. Track real-time BTC to INR charts, market cap, supply, volume, prediction, historical data & more.

How much does bitmart cost?

BitMart has a tiered fee structure that applies a Maker-Taker model. Fees start at 0.25% for price Makers and Takers. Trading fees are based on the trading volume over 30 days (in BTC) and BMX balance. Fees for futures trading are much lower and competitive, it has Maker fees of 0.04% and Taker fees of 0.06%.

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